Teresa Blocker-Robinson – Bend not Break

For those of the audience that may not know who you are, please do tell us, who you are, what you do and what you represent?
My name is Teresa Robinson. I just turned 40 years old this past July. I am married to my husband of over 21 years, together we have 4 children (ages 20, 18, 15, and 9) and 1 grandchild (8 months old). I’ve been at my current job as an inside account manager (recently promoted to National accounts sales) for the past 7 years. I am also a 200-hour Certified Yoga Instructor, Level 2 Reiki Practitioner, and Certified Children’s Yoga Instructor. I am the founder and co-owner of Soul Appeal, a wellness company offering yoga & meditation instruction/classes/events; vegan catering; wellness workshops/events; and handmade vegan artisan soaps, scrubs, whipped body butters, and more. (www.soulappealwellness.com)
How has Yoga helped you and how can it help others who may be skeptical about its benefits?
I have learned how to bend, not break. I am much stronger physically, but more importantly, mentally. Before my journey, I was insecure, had low self-esteem, had no idea how to love myself or connect with myself, didn’t know how to breathe, and had no clue about being present. I was one of those people who would bite their tongue in the moment, then constantly replay scenarios in my head where if given another chance, I’d say what I really felt. My throat chakra was so blocked that I literally used to dream of trying to express myself, but suffocating, or being unable to speak because I couldn’t breathe. It’s very hard to explain in words, but this was a reoccurring dream I had for years (thinking back, they were nightmares). I’d wake up in cold sweats or in tears. I was stuck. It is through yoga that I’ve been able to find my voice, connect with my heart, and create a bond with self that no one or thing can break. I am a living example of bend, don’t break.
Whenever I see your posts, I am inspired to be healthier, have you ever found inspiration yourself from an unexpected source? If so, what was it and how did it motivate you?
I follow a lot of yogis and fitness professionals on social media who motivate me. But it is often the beginners who inspire me most. Not afraid to get out there and start where they are, regardless to the naysayers, and brave enough to post their journey, no matter what it looks like to others. Even if they are afraid, they push past that fear to share their story/journey. Seeing someone dig deep, fight the urge to quit, and push through is more inspiring to me than seeing someone execute effortlessly or with perfection. It serves as a nice reminder that despite the perfection that is portrayed in media, in reality, no one is perfect. We all start somewhere, then do our best to continue each day.
When teaching your Yoga classes, what are the main goals you have in mind for your students?
Safety is always first. Before anything else, I teach my students to listen to and honor their body by doing what is right for them. If a pose is not accessible, I encourage modifications to start from wherever you are. Many people come to yoga with the misconception that they must be flexible or in some sort of shape. This could not be further from the truth. Any journey begins by starting from wherever you are. Yoga is no different. If you can’t reach your toes or the floor, props can be used to bring the floor up to you. Nothing should ever be forced, and if something causes pain, modify, back out, or skip it altogether. To me, one of the most beautiful aspects of this practice is that it can be modified to suit your needs, no matter what that looks like each day.
Beyond physical health, how has Yoga benefited you personally the most?
Yoga taught me how to breathe and that by controlling your breath, you can control your mind. Prior to yoga, my mind would seemingly race uncontrollably from thought to thought. Didn’t matter if they were pleasant or unpleasant thoughts, I didn’t know how to slow them down. I had extreme anxiety and suffered from depression. Through the practice I learned that thinking about the future can cause anxiety, while thinking about the past can cause depression. I was always in one of these states, not knowing how to just be (present). It was through yoga that I learned that your breath is a direct reflection of your mind state. If the breath is unstable, so is the mind. When the breath is steady, so too is the mind. By taking control over the breath, you take control over the mind. Why? Simple. The breath is always with you wherever you are, never in the past or the future. Bringing your attention/awareness to the breath and taking control over it (slow, deep breaths in/out of the nose), allows you to control the mind and slow your thoughts. The conscious mind can only hold one thought at a time, so when you focus on your breath – each inhale and exhale in its entirety – all other thoughts fall away.
Who is someone that inspires you that people may not know about and why?
My teacher, Shannon Elliott. Her story inspires me because through yoga and the teachings, she was able to rise above a very difficult time in her life to where she is today, running a successful business while raising her children and being one of the most giving, caring, loving people I know.
For a beginner, what would you say are the best ways to begin introducing themselves to yoga?
I always recommend learning from a trained professional whenever possible. If able to get to a studio, take beginner classes to familiarize yourself with the poses and breathing. Let go of any expectation and just allow yourself to start. Do not compare yourself to anyone else. Sure, it’s ok to look up to others for inspiration and motivation but leave comparison and judgement at the door. Everybody is different and every body is different. It is important to find the right type of yoga for you, modifying as needed to make it suitable for your body and needs. Try the different styles of yoga and different teachers until you find the right fit. Be open minded and patient, allowing yourself to start wherever you are!
What is an easy food that can be prepared that has super health benefits?
Salad! Eating salads is a super-convenient way to work in a couple of servings of vegetables and/or fruit. You can customize them to include the fruits and vegetables that appeal to you the most, and whichever ones you have on hand.
If you could only eat the same meal for the rest of your life, what would it be and why?
This is a really hard question because there are days when I love food, and days when I am so over it, I don’t even feel like eating. But if I had to choose, I’d go with my lentil/chickpea/kale stew over jasmine rice. It’s a super tasty, hearty recipe that, to me, is good enough to eat any time of day. Also packed with nutrients and 100% vegan, I could see myself eating it everyday (if I had to😉).
What is one thing you would like the youth of today to know?
You are the future. You have the power to make the changes you want to see. It all starts with you. Be the change you wish to see in the world. Be compassionate and understanding of yourself and others. Offer kindness to everyone with whom you come in contact, regardless of their disposition. You never know what someone else is going through. Keeping this in mind makes it easier to offer kindness, compassion, love, and understanding to a seemingly unpleasant person. Kindness and love are free; sprinkle that sh*t wherever you go!
If you were writing an Autobiography and could choose any co-writer in the world to assist you, who would it be?
Maya Angelou
If you could have any superpower what would it be?
Tie between being able to fly and being invisible.
Do you have any hidden talents?
I can walk on my hands; I crochet; I make soaps, body butters, and scrubs; I draw a little bit; I speak French; I can learn just about anything teachable; I cook delicious vegan food 😊
Favorite Movies?
Love & Basketball , Signs, Why Did I Get Married 1 & 2
Favorite Books?
Warrior Goddess Training by Heatherash Amara , The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz , Autobiography of Angela Davis , A Day Late and a Dollar Short by Terry McMillan
Favorite music album of all time?
R&B – Jill Scott “Who is Jill Scott”HipHop – The Roots “Things Fall Apart”
What’s next for you?
My YouTube teaching channel will launch by the end of the year (early 2020 at latest). I will be hosting my first retreat in 2020 or 2021. Eventually I plan to open my own yoga studio and wellness center with vegan café and juice bar.
Where can people find your Yoga classes/lessons?
I teach hot yoga 3x/wk at Onyx Yoga Studio in Warren, NJ (Sun 8am, Mon 7:15pm, Wed 6:15pm).
I am also available for private individual or group lessons/classes/parties upon request.
Find me on social media: IG: @yoganubia; @soul.appeal
FB Pages: Soul Appeal Yoga & Wellness Teresa Robinson Yoga
Last Words you would like people to know:
Remember to always love yourself, first and foremost, unapologetically. Doesn’t matter if you are someone’s mother, father, wife, husband, brother, sister, aunt, uncle, or friend – loving yourself makes you the best version of you! You cannot pour from an empty cup, so let your heart and soul be so full of love that it spills onto everyone with whom you come in contact!

– Interview by Cymarshall Law